11 December 2008

tags, woo!

thank you melody and peiyi for tagging me =.=

Rules & regulations

-Do not copy answers
-The tag questions must be 100% the same
-Tag people before doing tag

I tag:
1. azzuddin
2. caleb
3. huimian
4. kevin
5. leticia tan
6. owen
7. sammy aw
8. sean
9. julie

How do you know 1?
mm, i met him in form one and he was friendly to me, was like we met each other b4 o.o

What would you do if you never meet 2?
er, i wouldnt have transport home? and no lunch too =(

What would you do if 3 and 4 dated?
whoa, long-distance relationships r0xx0r mann..

Would 5 and 6 make a good couple?
haha, another long-distance relationship mmm

Do you think 7 is attractive?
woo!! sam-sam is HOT

Tell me something about 9.
walao, i thought no9 is the position with short ques and short ans -.- mm, 19 months? =)

What's 1's favourite past time?
er, watching gossip girl and 90210?

What language does 2 speak?
english, abit of babble

Who is 3 going out with?
recently broke up =\

How old is 4?
16 i think. I THINK. he can drive i think, dammit

When was the last time you talk to 5?
whoa, in person i think .. 10 years?

Who is 6's favourite singer?
either some emo chinese singer or some emo english singer. emo either way la

Would you date 7?

Is 8 single?

What's 9's last name?
.. walao. wads this man.. 2nd part of my dialect, often heard word in 4c.

Would you consider being in a relationship with 1?

Which school does 2 go to?
lodge school. BOO

What do you like about 3?
her frankness i suppose. cuts deep but honesty is the best policy after all